Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Birthday thoughts

Well, I'm 28 today.. which leads me to ponder upon how I am going to approach this next year of my life. It's kind of funny how feelings about birthdays can change over time. When you're a kid, you're excited to have a birthday, because you get a party with all your friends, and presents, and cake, and everyone sings and you're the center of attention, and it's pretty much the best day ever. Then gradually.. all you really want is quality time with your closest friends and family, and to think with each year that's passed, you're working towards a more successful, fulfilling life.

I know I can do better. I can adopt a healthier diet. I can exercise more. I can give back more to the community. I can keep in touch with my friends and family more. I'd like to think I'm doing ok so far, though. I'll have earned my master's degree in early December. I've got some good work experience behind me, to pave the way to a good career. I'm just facing that crossroads right now, where I'm waiting to see what happens next. I can only hope that with enough good fortune, in addition to having the opportunity to demonstrate my abilities, I'll measure up to achieving my goals. It might not happen right away, but I guess I'll just need to have patience and keep trying, and learn from every experience as much as I can.

View from Jericho Beach at sunset in Vancouver, BC... more about Vancouver soon :)


  1. Happy belated Birthday Jennifer!!!

    1. Thanks Jennifer, hope you're having a great summer :)

  2. Hey, Jen!

    Am peeking in to wish you a safe and happy holiday celebration this Labor Day weekend. What an absolutely breathtaking sunset you experienced in B.C, can you say Magnificent! Thanks for posting some pics on your Facebook acct as well. Thanks also for your prompt email response weeks ago in appreciation for the Happy Birthday eCard as well. You're a class act.

    In respect to your blog entry, rest assured that you are on the path to something meaningful and worthwhile in this great mystery we call Life. None of us have all the answers, and you are wise enough to know this truth *now* (while it may take some of us a lifetime to realize that an open mind and a great attitude are +'s along this journey). As long as you stay true to yourself, you'll continue to impact this world in a positive way, as you already do now with your family and friends. With that said, admire you for realizing there is always room for improvement, refinement, etc., so continue to learn and grow, and prove that like fine wine even humans get better with age too. The human experience doesn't come with a blueprint written in stone, but at least we have the matter of choice to choose our destiny.

    Once I've copyrighted some material with the Library of Congress, may call on you for a favor at some point, relative to any photos you may still have of your visit to Washington, D.C. a couple of years ago, particularly ones capturing the Potomac River. Am working on a project and want to capture the very essence of that waterway. Of course, in good faith, should I use one of your images, I'll fully accredit the deserving source.

    All in all, How would you rate your Summer experience this year? Certainly a season of adventure and travel for you. First, Chicago and then Vancouver--Wow! Hope you enjoyed a terrific 28th birthday celebration, and may many happy & healthy returns buoy your life's journey ahead. Am giving mine an eight minus. The minus is for failing to follow through on packing a lunch rather than stalking the hotdog vendor in the park. Otherwise, a delightful time what with the canal side riverfront concerts, county fair, mighty Niagara Falls, etc.

    Can you believe tomorrow is already September?! Where did the Summer go so fast? Are you gearing up for your final semester? Pretty impressive at your Masters in December--Way to go, Jen!

    1. Thanks for the encouraging thoughts Al :). I will focus on staying true to myself and everything should be fine. You may absolutely use any images I have posted here on my blog of my visit to Washington, D.C. I'll send you some from my first trip too and you can use any of those that you'd like.

      I had a great summer overall. I loved Vancouver, Hawaii was pretty good but Honolulu/ Waikiki Beach are a lot more touristy than I remember Kauai being. I think next time I visit a tropical destination I'll definitely prefer a bit more peace and quiet and a chance to just enjoy nature. I'm glad to hear you had a nice summer too.

      My final semester has started, and it's not too busy so far, but I'm definitely getting ready for the pace to quicken fairly soon. I have to give a presentation in a few weeks. So, I'm getting a head start on a paper so I'll have that out of the way. Here's to a good month up ahead for both of us!

    2. Hey, Jen!

      First, please let me say Thank You for your thoughtfulness in sharing your pictures--MUCH appreciated :) In respect to your time and busy schedule though, narrow them down to only images of the Potomac River itself, or the Cherry Blossoms alongside the river basin, or any wide angle snaps you may have captured of the US Capitol, or the Lincoln Memorial. Thanks again.

      Hawaii?! You even went to Hawaii! Quite the world traveler I see. Talk about a sense of adventure! Preparation is the key to any presentation, and sounds like you care enough to get a head start on delivering something worthy of a top-shelf performance(that's the way to go!)

      Am scrolling up to read your latest post...

    3. Hi Al,
      I looked over my pictures from my first trip to DC and didn't really see any that fit your specifications, other than one of the white house, but it was kind of obstructed by a tree so my white house pictures from my most recent trip (which are here on my blog) would be more suitable. So, feel free to use any of those :)

      Yes, I went to Hawaii as well... have to say I liked Vancouver a little better, but it was nice seeing Hawaii again after my first trip in 2005. I have definitely gotten more than enough traveling in for the time being, and shall content myself with fairly local visits to Berkeley or San Francisco for now.
